Tuesday 27 January 2015

Wiping out the Maverick gene, the plot revealed

These are intricate webs being woven by our masters, destined to culminate with the eradication of the maverick gene amongst the herd so that all that remain are the fodder animals and the self seekers and the psychopaths groomed for the enforcement of the rule.

They will be mostly stupid, higher places in the hierarchy going to the ‘clever’ learners, those who can memorise but cannot think.

Like most of the world’s middle classes now.

This is their plan:

Our masters, in their game, seek the destruction of the jew.

They always have.

Their strategy is leading to conflict in the holy land as we know, as they fulfil their own prophecies.

Leading up to this conflict the false terror attacks are heightening, amongst the sheeple, the understanding that there are those out there who despise jews.

Our masters have decided that this will be you, dear truth seeker, unless you are most careful.

They are making sure TV programming reinforcing the holocaust memory is placed in the minds of the herd and hyping the aspects of their false flags that target jews, building their case in the consciousness of the dumb masses.

“Je Suis Juif” and so forth.

Next to come will be this:

Attacks on jews will intensify and links will be made between “conspiracy nuts” and those attacks.

Conspiracy nuts will become synonymous with terrorists or terrorist supporters.

The groundwork is being laid right now in the sewage-stream press.

If Israhell is under attack at the time, a sense of urgency will be added, a need to act now.
The herd will demand it.

T.V. pundits will pick out the worst offenders from amongst the false opposition/cointelpro/intelligence agents that purport to be the truth movement, and certainly lead it and dominate the agenda, quoting their vile slurs that are mostly lifted from the Nazi propaganda from the 1930’s.

I can see the shocked look on the news anchors’s faces now, as they can “barely bring themselves to read” the sort of shite the anti-semitic twats of the alternative media are spewing out in increasing quantities now.

Testosterone pumped psycho-zombies that call themselves police officers will be donning their war gear and beating down the doors of those people out there that can see through most of the crap (yet can’t see how they are being made a fool of by the very people they believe in).

The night of the long knives.

First, use the internet and false agents to draw out and identify the free thinking gene.
Find where they live and who their friends are.
Round-em up, with full public approval.

Thinking gene eradicated from the herd.

Job done.

Like many times before, of course, but now far more subtle and aided by technology.

Our masters are heading for a double win situation. The destruction of those they are destined to destroy according to their plans, the jews, and at the same time rounding up anyone with half a brain that doesn’t want to be a debt slave living in a radioactive cess-pit eating chemical mush for a short and eugenically shortened life.

Our masters used to call themselves gods.
They near that nirvana again, should we allow ourselves to be duped again.

Understand this: the history of man’s brutality to man is not and has never been the exclusive property of one race. If anything the white anglo-saxon breed are in pole position on that score, having spent the last few centuries murdering everyone that isn’t white anglo-saxon (and many that are) and wiping whole peoples and their millennia of history from the face of the earth, scrapping their wisdom and their understanding at the same time.

But in every corner of the world and of every colour of skin and of every belief system there have been and are powerful people that drive the less powerful to despicable acts.
Some call themselves jew and are not.

Most just are not.

If you’re a power wielding psychopath that ain’t a jew the alternative press have coined a new nomenclature: “Crypto-jew!”
So “it’s still all the jew’s fault”, they can say, ……just like Hitler did.

Racism sucks.
Anti-semitism sucks.
They are the same thing.
Tools of the deception and manipulation of simple, bitter minds.
It all leads to death camps.
Or have you forgotten?
And Hitler wasn’t the first by a long way, if you are a holocaust denier rather than a holocaust numbers disputer and seeker of truth.

Make sure you’re not a guest in the next iteration.

Beware of deceivers.
There is good out there.

Olive xxx xxx xxx

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